Can We Claim India Home Loan in USA?

Updated on April 9, 2024

At a Glance

  • Foreign property can be claimed on U.S. taxes with similar benefits to U.S. homes.
  • Tax treatment depends on the property’s use, whether for personal use or rental income.
  • Deductions for mortgage interest can be claimed for personally used properties.
  • Rental properties allow deductions for rental expenses.

Some Indians move to the U.S. with the purpose of gaining their citizenship and probably staying there for the rest of their lives. They want to continue working in the States, have a life there – and stay there until their time comes to an end. Other people, however, wish to move back to India after their “stage” is over – and they want to have a place to return to.

Many Indians generally have no property upon going to the United States to work. Their plan is to go there, work – and only then buy a property. However, when you are paying taxes in the U.S., it begs the question: can you claim India home loan in the USA, while you are State taxpayers? Well, the answer is simpler than you may have thought.

Can Foreign Property Be Claimed on U.S. Taxes?

There is no reason why you should not be able to claim property while you are on U.S. taxes – because, after all, the chances are that you are currently paying taxes for both countries. No matter if you are planning to use that home as a vacation house, for rental income or to settle down after you retire, you may easily claim it.

Long story short, the tax benefits of owning said property in India will be similar to the ones on the ownership of U.S. homes. There will only be a small number of exceptions in this case:

  • If you have a property on your name overseas, then your tax benefits will be fully dependent on how you use that property.
  • You may deduct the interest from your mortgage – as long as it is not in property taxes – if you keep the property for personal use. In this regard, you can find out more about home mortgage interest deduction here.
  • If the home is meant for rental income, the rules will change based on how many days the home is used for rental means – and how many days you use it for personal use.

In the end, both methods of use will allow you to claim a loan on U.S. taxes. The only difference here will be how that property is used – whether it’s for rental or property purposes.

How to Claim Foreign Property on U.S. Taxes

Claiming foreign property while on U.S. taxes can have a few catches, particularly if you do not know exactly how to handle the taxation system. You may find more details about taxes and their types by going here – but overall, as long as you are familiar with the types of property in the U.S., you should be able to claim your foreign properties deductions.

Types of Properties Overseas

Around 5% of the home buyers in the United States are of Indian origin. The percentage is rather small – but this is mostly because people of Indian origin prefer to buy property in their own country. Depending on its purpose, there are two types of property that you may go for when purchasing overseas – all while paying taxes to the U.S. as well.

For Personal Use

This is for when you are purchasing a home that you are planning to stay in. Let’s say that you are currently living in the USA – as a citizen or on a pan card or a green card – but you want to buy a home in your home country.

This home may be for vacation purposes, to stay there every now and again when you are going on a vacation – or it may be a retirement place where you may want to spend the rest of your days in tranquility. Regardless, that property is meant for your use entirely,

For Rentals

Some people buy property overseas simply for the sake of investment. They buy it so that they can rent it out – and in this case, they gain income every month from that property. The income can be used to either pay off the mortgage set for the home or to act as extra funds for the buyer.

How to Claim Your Indian Mortgage in the U.S.

Tax rules can be fairly complicated depending on whether you use the property for personal purposes or not. Here is how you can claim your Indian mortgage in the U.S., depending on how long you use the house.

For Personal Property

You rent the property for 14 days at most every year, and use it yourself for at least 14 days (or 10% of the days that you had it for rent). In this case, the home will be considered your personal property – and you may rent it out for up to two weeks, without having to report this to the IRS. You may find out more about the way in which the IRS handles things by visiting this site.

Since the property will be considered personal to all extents and purposes, you may deduct the loan interest under the usual second-home rule. However, in this respect, you cannot deduct rental losses and expenses.

For Rental Property

If you use the home for less than 15 days and rent it out for more than two weeks, then the property will enter the category “rental residence.” In this case, you will be subjected to rental property taxes and the process will change. Bear in mind that if a member of your family uses that house, it is still considered personal property – unless you charge a rental price for it.

You need to report all the rental income to the IRS – but the good news here is that you may deduct the rental expenses (e.g. the personal loan interest, the advertising expenses, the foreign property taxes, insurance premiums, and so on). The only difference between domestic property and the kind purchased outside the U.S. is that it tends to get depreciated at a different rate. For instance, a house bought in India will depreciate over a 40-year period, whereas a domestic property depreciates over 27.5 years.

When Selling the Property

If you sell the property abroad, then the tax treatment will function almost in the same way with a house in the U.S. – depending mostly on how that property was used. If you used to live in the house, turning it into a personal residence, for about 2 to 5 years, then you may exclude as much as $250,000 of the capital gain from the sale (learn more about capital gain taxes here). However, if the home is not your personal property, then you will be subject to the normal capital gain taxes.

If the property is sold in the United States, then you may be able to make a 1031 exchange – also referred to as a like-kind exchange, of which you may find out more about here. It allows you to dispose of a property and get a similar one in return – without generating any capital gains.

Final Thoughts

To put it simply, yes, you may claim an India home loan while you are in the U.S. The only differentiating factors here will be if you claim for personal property or an investment one. In this case, you will receive different tax deductions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Can I Claim an India Home Loan in the USA?

No, you cannot claim an India home loan in the USA. Home loans are typically offered by financial institutions and banks in the country where the property is located. If you are purchasing a property in the USA, you would need to apply for a home loan from a U.S.-based lender or financial institution.

2. Can I Use My Indian Home Loan to Purchase Property in the USA?

Indian home loans are designed for properties within India and are not applicable to properties located in other countries, including the USA. If you plan to buy property in the USA, you would need to explore mortgage options offered by U.S. banks or lenders.

3. Are There Mortgage Options for Non-U.S. Citizens in the USA?

Yes, there are mortgage options available for non-U.S. citizens in the USA. Many U.S. banks and lenders offer mortgages to non-U.S. citizens, including permanent residents, temporary visa holders, and even those without U.S. citizenship or residency status. These mortgages may have specific eligibility criteria and requirements, so it’s advisable to research and consult with lenders who specialize in serving non-U.S. citizens.

4. What Documents Are Required to Apply for a Mortgage in the USA as a Non-U.S. Citizen?

The specific documents required to apply for a mortgage in the USA as a non-U.S. citizen can vary depending on your immigration status and financial situation. However, common documents often requested include:

  • Valid passport or visa documentation.
  • Proof of income and employment history.
  • Credit history and credit report.
  • Bank statements and financial assets.
  • Details about the property you plan to purchase.
  • Proof of down payment and funds for closing costs.

5. Can I Get a Mortgage in the USA Without a Social Security Number (SSN)?

Yes, it is possible to get a mortgage in the USA without a Social Security Number (SSN). Some lenders offer mortgages to non-U.S. citizens using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or other forms of identification. It’s essential to explore mortgage options specifically designed for individuals without an SSN and discuss your eligibility with potential lenders.

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Frank Gogol

I’m a firm believer that information is the key to financial freedom. On the Stilt Blog, I write about the complex topics — like finance, immigration, and technology — to help immigrants make the most of their lives in the U.S. Our content and brand have been featured in Forbes, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, and more.

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