DOGO Crypto: The Complete Guide

Updated on August 25, 2024
At a Glance: DOGO Crypto, short for DogemonGO Crypto, is a spin-off game similar to PokemonGo. Players collect Dogemons and are rewarded with Dogecoins. Developed by Shemie Suarez, the game aims to introduce cryptocurrencies in an enjoyable way. DOGO tokens can be bought within the game’s ecosystem and used for in-game features, and can also be sold on crypto exchanges. However, it’s important to note that DOGO crypto, like all cryptocurrencies, is volatile and speculative. The success of the game and acceptance of the coin will influence its value.

If the technological revolution has given us any gift, it’s the gift of cryptocurrency. With the rise and acceptance of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies worldwide, many other programmers are looking to reach at least a part of the standard set by the first coin – the bitcoin. Pretty soon, people started minting such coins not just for money transactions and investments but also for games and memes. One great example of the meme coin universe is the DOGO Crypto and its applications.

What is DOGO Crypto?

Have you ever heard of the famous PokemonGo game? When that game was released in 2016, it took the world by storm. Everyone from 5-year-olds to 50-year-olds was playing the game and having fun. All you had to do was roam around with your phone and “collect” different pokemon and save them in your account.

DOGO crypto, which is short for DogemonGO Crypto, is a spin-off of this game where players collect Dogemons in place of pokemon. All players are rewarded with Dogecoins when they successfully hunt a Dogemon. They can then use this Dogecoin on crypto exchanges and earn money in real-time. This game was developed by Shemie Suarez, the lead developer from Frozen Limited gaming company. This project aimed to introduce people to the world of cryptocurrencies in a fun and exciting way.

How To Buy DOGO Crypto?

DogemonGo isn’t just a game. It is an entire ecosystem within that game to access several features of the game. The higher your level, the higher your rewards for the game. The native token for DogemonGO is DOGO. This DOGO token is used to purchase fireballs (a feature inside the game), renew your trainer’s license, and earn Dogecoins daily. The general idea here is to accumulate DOGO credits (something that you earn through the game) and when you have enough, exchange them for DOGO tokens. These tokens can then be utilized for Dogemon trainer license, which is a great tool to exchange the remaining DOGO credits to DOGO tokens and so forth.

Besides this, you can also earn DOGO crypto through a referral system as well. Users that have an active trainer license can refer anybody they want to, and if that person joins the game, the one who gave the referral will earn 2% of whatever the new person makes as passive income. Also, some “special locations” inside the game let users earn more DOGO than average.

If earning Dogecoins is your goal, then you would need to have 50,001 tokens in your wallets. You can easily earn at precisely 4 pm UTC once every day, either DOGO crypto or Dogecoin, whichever you choose, by using Binance smart chain (BSC) wallet address through wallets like MetaMask wallet or Trust Wallet. You can access this game on both Android and iOS as well.

How To Sell DOGO Crypto?

Once you’ve earned your DOGO crypto, it is pretty easy to sell them on any crypto exchange platform and earn US Dollars or any other currency based on the availability in your crypto exchange. Your game can be directly linked to MetaMask wallet and/or Trust wallet, based on your preference. You can then connect and sync these wallets to your preferred cryptocurrency exchange and then sell them on the exchange to earn your reward. The more you play the game, the higher your level increases, and the higher your level increases, the more DOGO you start to earn. Also, you earn 2% of all DOGO earned by people that joined the game through your referrals. You do not need to worry about your phone to play this game of selling crypto, either. Dogemon game works on both Android and iOS, and hence, DOGO crypto can be sold on either platform with ease.

Considerations When Buying DOGO Crypto

While the game and the fun of reward seem interesting enough, if you’re an investor, there are some things you should know before making your investments.

It Is Volatile At Best

DOGO crypto, like all cryptocurrencies, is volatile at best and highly speculative at worst. Depending on the game’s popularity, the price of DOGO may skyrocket or even hit rock bottom. There is always the outstanding and highly plausible possibility that both these scenarios happen on the same day. You should be aware of what you invest in this cryptocurrency and be ready to face higher risks.

Dogemongo (DOGO) Is A Unique Entity

DogemonGO uses augmented reality to sync its 2 D space into our 3D world and work its way into our lives. This makes it a unique gaming experience and gives the players an excellent opportunity to play the game.

Thus, this unique feature promises to improve the game’s popularity and help investors earn many returns on their investments. Augmented reality is a type of technology that blurs the lines between reality and animation. It smartly places animated objects onto the background as captured by your camera and helps you interact with that animation.

Marketing Access

Dogemon isn’t just a game. It is an entire ecosystem of various players to earn, buy, and sell various sections of their investments into the game. Dogemon also allows players to advertise these investments on the platform. All players can promote their projects, coins, and tokens as well and show them to all other players in the Dogemon world and help popularise their brand and image. This will, in turn, popularise the entire Dogemon ecosystem, increase the demand for Dogo crypto, and increase its price eventually.

Will Dogemongo Ever Hit 0.01 Dollars?

Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and highly speculative all at the same time. As of August 19th, DogemonGo was trading at $0.0002014 and has had a steady rate of return in the past. However, it is yet to be seen how well the general public accepts the game and, by extension, the coin and takes its volume higher. There has been a steady increase in the interest shown by people in the gaming industry. More so, in the augmented reality world as well.

This would be an excellent place for anyone to invest and earn good returns, and so, it remains to be seen if Dogo crypto can achieve this goal or not. Also, one has to consider the implications of Dogecoin being tied with this game as well. The price fluctuations of Dogecoin would directly affect the price of the Dogemon crypto ecosystem as well.

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Final Thoughts

DogemonGo, although just a spin-off of the fantastic PokemonGO game, has managed to keep its uniqueness through the ever-changing times and make its mark in the world of cryptocurrencies. You can earn DOGO tokens and then exchange them for DOGO coins and use them for various purposes in the game, and if you so please, exchange them for the famous meme coin, Dogecoin. This, combined with the game’s unique augmented technology, makes for the perfect space to make great investments.

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Frank Gogol

I’m a firm believer that information is the key to financial freedom. On the Stilt Blog, I write about the complex topics — like finance, immigration, and technology — to help immigrants make the most of their lives in the U.S. Our content and brand have been featured in Forbes, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, and more.

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